...which, if you know Max, shouldn't surprise you 'cause Max loves all things fourrées!
(editor's note : fourré means furry, lined with fur but it is a word Max uses to say something is soft and round and cuddly and stuffed with yummy almond paste and/or warm and covered with a quilt, sitting drowsily in a pouf after having eaten something soft and stuffed with yummy almond paste. The character Ronflex corresponds perfectly to the definition of fourré in Max's idiolect.)
My favorite Pokémon at the moment is...

He's not at all fourré, is he?
Mom thinks he looks like a shrieking eel!
(editor's note : if you know anything about Pokémons, I'm sure you know that the fierce Léviator character is a later evolution of...
And if you know anything about Malcolm that should not surprise you in the least!)
So anyway, Max and I like Pokémons and we like cornes de gazelle. And lately, I've had cornes de gazelle on the brain. Sometimes when I have something on my mind I just can't think of anything else. So, one day, I got on the computer and looked up the recipe! Which you can look up here. Then I asked - BIP - if he would help me make cookies for our afternoon snack.
(editor's note : In order to avoid any further law suits for invasion of privacy, the editorial staff of Paret Match is sorry to have to withhold the identity of Malcolm's cooking partner. He is a founding member of the Ménilmontant Anti-Glob Brigade which actively opposes piracy as well as blogging as well as lumpy-globby cookie dough and therefore he is officially out to get the Pontoon Pirates. He accepted to appear in the following post on the condition his anonymity be assured.)
Here's - BIP - wielding his mighty rolling pin!
(editor's note : - BIP - says the pen might be mightier than the sword but the rolling pin is mightiest of all!)
At the last minute, my friend Nil, who hadn't lifted a finger to make the cornes de gazelle jumped up next to me and - BIP - to be in the picture that Henry was taking for the blog (Mom was at work - it happens!) - I was a bit miffed! We let Nil taste them anyway, even if he hadn't helped in the making, and he liked eating the cornes de gazelle so much that he decided to come back another afternoon to help us make more...
You wish you could taste then too, don't you?
So do we!