Yep, 'cause among other common household pets like iguanas, there were also parrots at the 4th annual Walled Lake Pet Show which Monique, John, Wendy, Anna, Stella and Mom went to on the 21st of November.
Yes, there were parrots and...
...iguanas, as we said earlier...
...and... (Contrary to the first impression you might have gotten, Batman here is NOT a highly trained VD specialist, he's just your regular iguana-lovin' kinda guy - and what's not to love,eh?) black and white reptiles being held by cool black and white ladies...
...and cool, fluorescent, lime colored reptiles that no one wanted to hold or even touch....
...and there were boa constrictors too!
Oh, and there were cats and dogs too, of course.
(Apparently, just seconds before this shot was taken, my momcat heard Henry saying to his momcat - just as she was finally reclining at the back of the cage getting ready to read a good book - "So, what are we going to do now, Mom?")
My momcat - me being Henry, of course - and my sister - she being Stella, of course - saw some very interseting new breeds of cat at the show...
Oh, and if you're wondering, there were also a few dogs...
(You see her here with her bemused master, Patioboater, although in this picture, Patioboater actually seems even more bemused by something else...)
The cats couldn't really compare to this beauty either......she's called The Ghost by her mistress, owner of...
...The Sunshine Herb Farm where Monique and John usually buy hops... these for home brewing.
(We'll come back to home brewing in a later post, by the way.)
On the way back from the pet show, the entire crew - John, Monique, Mom and Stella - (minus Anna, the tabby cat and her momcat, Wendy) stopped by the Sunshine Herb Farm. They all just wanted to see the place. The Ghost - a wild farm cat that usually never shows itself to strangers but walks in the rafters above the shop making ghostly noises - graced them with a visitation and Stella snapped a photo.
Mom and Stella said it was a lovely Saturday afternoon outing!
What about the lions and tigers and bears you promised in the title?
OK, OK. Hold onto your hats!
Yep, John and Monique took Mom and Stella down to Ford Field to watch the...
(which is not actually the one featured above but this is a much better picture)
in their final play one miute AFTER the end of the fourth quarter changing the score from...
...there was indeed much cheering and backslapping and...
...almost as many shouts of joy as when Susie, Peggy and Baldy arrived.
Mom and Stella like the sleepy Obama-loving sheep they are...
...told us they enjoyed the game as much as the longer-standing Lions fans around them...
I - Henry that is - would gladly have sacrificed my teeth too to be at that game rooting for the Lions! Not to mention seeing bloodhounds on skateboards and other wild North American fauna...