Sunday, May 16, 2010

Guess Who Came to Dinner? Devinez qui est venu diné dimanche dernier?

One week ago today,there was excitement in the air.
Papa was out early shopping at the best boutiques along the rue des Pyrénées...

Dimanche matin de la semaine dernière, il y avait de l'ébultition dans l'air!
Papa s'est levé tôt pour aller faire des courses dans les plus fines épiceries fines de la rue des Pyrénées...

He fell in love with a bouquet of fresh thyme and brought it home for Mom to sniff...

Il est tombé amoureux d'un bouquet de thyme frais et l'a ramené comme cadeau olfactif pour Mom!

She - Mom that is - spent the morning cleaning then tried her hand at some fancy canopies and...

Après avoir passé la matinée à ranger la maison des caves au grenier, Mom s'est attelé aux tartines, les coiffant d'un cheveu de poivron rouge...

...she even got out the new-used Champagne bucket she bought at EMMAUS Chinon with Isabelle when she was there back in April...

...elle a même sortie le nouveau seau à Champagne qu'elle a rapporté d'EMMAUS Chinon après sa visite à Candes avec Isabelle...

Why all the excitement, you may ask?
Pourquoi tant de préparatifs, vous vous demandez?

C'est Eddy Mitchel?!!! Is it Mick Jagger?!!!

Mais non! C'est Yves Paret!
Notre Papy national!
Ici, il est déguisé en Jean de La Fontaine...

Why, no! It's Yves Paret, of course! Our own favorite Papy!
(Our own favorite Opi doesn't come to Paris very often...)
Here, Papy is disguised as Jean de La Fontaine... help me - Malcolm that is - learn my role for our class play! m'aide à apprendre mon rôle pour le spectacle de fin d'année de ma classe. Moi, c'est Malcolm bien sûr, malgré la perruque et l'ombrelle!

Yes, there was lots of good cheer!
On a beaucoup trinqué...

And lots of good food! on a super bien mangé...

Papa made Mom's favorite dish : Blanquette de veau (creamy veal stew - for a better translation of that you're just going to have to ask the John and Julia project). The above photo is not Blanquette de veau but it's some pretty darn good looking cheese! (Tasted pretty darn good too!) And look at that wine! MmmmM!

Papa a fait une belle Blanquette de veau - un des plats préférés de Mom, et nous avons dégusté des fromages excellents de chez LeLanne et des vins blanc variés et étincelants!

Papa also made...

Papa a aussi préparé...

...rhubarbe pie which just happens to be his own favorite and which none of us kids ever usually touch. But this time, since he put the last of his corne de gazelle stuffing into the pie, we all loved it and polished the entire thing off in the blink of an eye!

...une tarte à la rhubabre qui est son dessert préféré à lui! D'habitude, nous autres enfants terribles, nous ne mangeons pas la tarte à la rhubabre, mais cette fois-ci, comme Papa a mis un peu de pâte d'amende et un peu de fleur d'oranger...Miam! Nous avons tout fini en un clin d'oeil!
Mais, Papy n'est pas venu uniquement pour faire la fête avec nous. non, il avait une mission...

Papy didn't actually come just for the pleasure of eating Papa's good food and drinking some good wine. No. He was on a mission...

Opération Chocolats de Pâques était le nom de code...

Operation Easter in May was the code name! There behind Max, if you look closely you will see, sitting primly in their plastic wrappers, chocolate Easter Bunnies! For any of you who were doubtful, no, we don't only have chocolate pigs in France, we also have bunnies! But we eat them in MAY when they are a little plumper than in April! Originally, there were four packages... in the foreground, you can see, if you zoom in, that after a couple slices of rhubarbe pie, all we could eat was the bunnie's ears! Who masterminded Operation Easter in May, you ask? We have no doubt it was not Papy but...

Mais qui donc tire vraiment les ficelles de cet espion diabolique aux mille déguisements?

MAMY! of course.
Aucun doute, c'est Miss Maddy de Belfort, bien sûr, mieux connu sous son identité quotidienne : MAMY!

Here's a picture of her at Christmas last year. We were sorry she couldn't make it Paris with Papy but someone had to hold the batfort back in Haguenau.

Voici Mamy à Noël. Nous aurions bien aimé qu'elle accompagne Papy, bien sûr! Même si nous aurions été obligés de partager la tarte à la rhubarbe...

A bientôt, Mamy!


  1. Love the French version of the title! -- but the rest as well, of course!

  2. So French school also offer Drama now? Love that bewigged girl with her brolly...
    BTW, count me in as a rhubarb pie lover too. It was my Mamy who baked them when I was known as the family's "rhubarb pirate"...Mmmmmm
    Good to see Max enjoying good food and cheer.

  3. Oh, the joys of food... makes me hungry just looking at those pictures. Now that Mom has rhubarb in her garden, we too will be having rhubarb pies this summer! Yummy.

    I hope Yves had a wonderful visit and that your play went well, Malcolm.

    I always espaecially like the bilingual posts. They're more work but so nice.

    Now, I have to run and eat something.

    (Anybody figure out who your Chinese friend is yet? What an international appeal you pontoon pirates have. I do enjoy loking at his or her messages.)
