Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What's wrong with this photo?

If someone gives us the right answer, perhaps we'll give you a new post...
(No way we can play Gettysburg Mom's "Ten comments" game, but we're hoping this might be an inventive way to generate a little interest.)


  1. I'm sure I'll feel silly when one of our clever relatives points it out to me, but I don't know. But I won't let not knowing stop me from saying hello!

  2. Seems to be a partial sky photo. Was there something obstructing the lens?

  3. I'm thinking that the contrail (don't laugh, Mom, I did say contrail, not entrails... this time) is out of place since there were supposedly no airplanes flying in Europe this week... in fact, is that volcanic ash I see?

    Or, was this picture taken before the Greenland volcano blew? If so, you got me.

  4. Yes, indeed, Monique wins the Pontoon Pirates Clever Relative Prize! Except it was actually an Islandic volcano not a Greenlandish one (out'landish' for sure, though, because no airplanes could take off or land in all of Europe for an entire week!). Our Parisian skies were airplane-trail free for days on end. Beautiful and most unusual. As Monique says, this photo was NOT taken yesterday but on March 25th. Bravo Monique! (And thanks ALL for the unusual number of comments...)

  5. I'm kind of disappointed our Chinese followers didn't get in on the game...

  6. Yippee, my little grey cells were working! Well, they failed a bit on geography...

    Hello Chinese follower of the Pontoon Pirates. It's good to see your messages. We all like looking at the characters you leave... even if we don't understand what they say.

    But, now that I think about it... maybe Stella Bella does understand...

  7. and could perhaps even translate for us...that would be a real gift and much appreciated.

  8. You want ten comments? Do you really? Well, here goes. As for what's wrong with that photo, is it, perhaps, upside own? Should the trail be at the bottom and the building on top? I'm straining, but the 10th command can be difficult.
