Friday, September 3, 2010

By Popular Demand (Part TWO)

HeeeeeeeeeeRES Jerry!!

If there's an open bag lying about...

...Jerry will soon be in it.

(In that picture up there, Jerry has just climbed into Mom's new back pack. You know, the one she bought to bike in Canada with? The minute she opened it to take out presents the day we got back, Jerry immediately climbed in to see if there were any for him. We think he was after the sardines we got at Rocky's.)

And what do you figure Henry - whom Mom figured should probably also appear in this blog since he hasn't been in the last three... - has in his bag?

If you said "JERRY!"...

...then you figured right!

Wherever we are...

...Jerry will usually be somewhere close at hand, like here, curled up in a dirty frying pan or..., helping to empty the dishwasher.

But sometimes he gets tuckered out from all that housework and then, unlike some haiku-worthy beagles we know, Jerry will...

...go to sleep in his cage.

Ain't he sweet?

We like him.

By Popular Demand

Stella and her amazing pet rat...

EL ANDY!!!!!

Without the slightest warning...

...he attempts to leap from unmade beds... guitar...

...even dance while playing!

Be warned...


We don't know what for, we just know he does!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

And Some Things Never Change...

In case anyone is worried there's too much nouveaute here in Paris...

...don't. The Eiffle tower still shines at sunset...

...and the clouds still roll wildly over La Defense...

...and the sun also rises.

...are back after three months' break for summer vacation!

Well, almost three months. During that time, some of us did actually drum up the energy necessary to wish happy birthday to Stella and just to say hello. Once. But now we're back! Back for a new school year! Which only starts tomorrow, thank Zeus, so for now, let's quickly tell you what's new around here!

Max has a new keffié and a few new bracelets which he brought back from Israel (Jaffa, maybe...)(He still likes his old Starbucks mug for his morning coffee though.).

He didn't mind sharing his new headgear with Papa who looks remarkably like Yasser Arafat, we think.

Stella has a new rat. Well, new to the blog at least :

This is not a very good picture but it's the best you're going to get because Mom is boycotting the rat so El Andy - that's his name - doesn't get many photo ops.

Malcolm has a new earring!!! We even have an entire video of Stella piercing his ear but we won't be able to post that tonight. Here's a small taste of Malcolm's incredible courage though :

And last but not least...

...Mom and Papa have a new stove!!!! It's so shiny we can take pictures of ourselves in it even after having made grilled cheese sandwiches on it for the very first time ever!

Mom especially likes the oven door. She finds those quite handy for checking out if your hair is still looking alright after a long day of cooking.

Here's wishing you all many long days of whatever!