Monday, February 1, 2010

It's Birthday time at the Bounce-Back Café!

And who's the birthday child?

Why, Mademoiselle Brigitte, bien sûr!

She's Omi to us pirates!

To Papa, she's always been Tsarina Brigitta the Great of Russia...

She's Brigitte to Arsen and...

...Mom to Mom and Monique and Babs.

And today it's her birthday.

So, let's hear it for Omi, team!
Hip, Hip Hourrah!
Hip, hip, Hourrah!
Hip, hip, Hourrah!

And now, Paret Match presents An hommage to Omi :

We wish you many warm hugs...

...more good laughs...

...a little dancing...

...a little sunshine...

...but not too much)...

...maybe a bellyrub if you feel like one...

...and just all that jazz!

Happy 01.02.2010 from France! (Or 02.01.2010, From the US!)


  1. Thank you, thank you, Noble Pirates et al for the rousing birthday hurrahs that greeted me this morning. It gave a boost of energy to the start of my personal new year!
    I love you all very much and return to each of you a virtual hug and kiss! (:

  2. Wish I could hear "all that jazz" too...

  3. Here, here!
    What a lovely birthday post.
    I add my hurrahs to those of the Pontoon Pirate gang and wish you, dear mother, a wonderful birthday, with much love, many thanks, lots of laughs, and eternal admiration.
    Daughter two,

  4. Hey, pirates, I like the new header photo!
