After a few more hours of sheer bliss on the couch...
...we went to "mountain" climb in the trees!
(After tapenade, here's another of our pleasures that's not for Monique!)
First of all, you need all sorts of complicated gear...
As you might notice, Malcolm and I - Henry that is - were very careful that our helmets were put on right.
Stella didn't think she looked very cool in the gear so this is about the last you'll see of her.
While Stella and I went directly to the Red courses (= hard), Mom and Malcolm started with a Blue course (= medium difficulty which Mom found plenty hard enough).
Mom resting after the first Blue course!
Malcolm then did a Red course on his own 'cause Mom couldn't even get up onto the first platform - not for lack of trying, though! That way she got some good shots of Malcolm from below.
He was WAY, WAY up there!
Thank you little Leica with the eagle eye!
After that, Stella and Malcolm did another Red course together, while I headed off to the... got it: Black is black! And black means extêmement difficile so it has to be in French!
This ain't so HARD!
Well... Ummm....
Ouf, I made it!
The end is near!
Was I happy to have done it? More like tired and thirsty, man!
Enough trees! We raced to the pool to get an hour's swimming in before the closing but Mom forgot the swim suits... We were NOT happy! But by the time we got home we felt better and when we were greeted by this fellow we couldn't resist snapping his portrait!
In the end, Mom and I went out to get a few last photos of the Kill Bill chapel at the entrance of the village...
...then it was one last dinner on the terrace...
...bye-bye Manas...
And back to Paris by car the next day!
We've had a great vacation! But summer is coming to an end. Mom's back to work tomorrow and we're back to school on Thursday - On THURSDAY!!! Oh, please, let's don't get Mom going on the crazy French school system! - Dad's starting rehearsals again on September 10th, so with all this business going on there might be a little less blogging! We shall see.